- County of Cumberland [ccpa.net]
- Cumberland County Sheriff [ccpa.net/index.aspx?NID=97]
- Upper Allen Police Department [upperallenpolice.com]
- Silver Spring Township Police Department [silverspringpolice.com]
- Pennsylvania State Police [www.psp.state.pa.us]
- National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund [nleomf.com]
- Officer Down Memorial Page [odmp.org]
- Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association [pachiefs.org]
- American Police Hall of Fame [aphf.org]
- America’s Most Wanted [amw.com]
- Federal Bureau of Investigation [fbi.gov]
- International Association of Chiefs of Police [theiacp.org]
- National Fraternal Order of Police [grandlodgefop.org]
- Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police [pafop.org]
- Central PA COPS [centralpacops.org]